Music Therapy Groups

Music Therapy Groups

What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy is a treatment modality that is offered by professionals who have undergone a music therapy training program. Music therapists incorporate music into treatment sessions to help people cope with stress, express their emotions, or improve their communication skills. Music therapy may involve writing song lyrics, listening to music, singing, dancing, or interpreting song lyrics with the guidance of a music therapist. Music therapy has been shown to increase alpha wave activity in the brain, which is linked to relaxation and comfort.

Why Music Therapy Groups Work for Kids?

Through musical interaction with others, children develop an increased understanding of themselves and others, which raises their self-esteem and helps develop resilience. Shared music-making has also been shown to stimulate language skills and to strengthen family and peer relationships.

Check Out Our Latest Group Below

Music Therapy for Social Skills (6-8 yrs)

*Check Back in the Spring*
