Jyoti Singh, LAC

Jyoti Singh, LAC

Credentials: M.A in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from The College of New Jersey.

Specialties: Depression, Anxiety, Self-esteem, Race Related Issues, Women Issues, Immigrants.

Approaches: EMDR, DBT, CBT, Trauma Informed Care, Multicultural Approaches, Strength Based.

Clinical Focus: Children, Adolescents, Adults.

Therapy can be a new experience for many people. I am here to guide you to uncover what therapy can look like for you. I want to help you feel seen, heard and less alone. Working with a multicultural lens, I want to spend time getting to know you and your culture to create a comfortable environment where you can share your story with me. Together with empathy, we can work on creating and achieving your therapy goals.

400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619

(856) 354-0664

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