Tiffany Espinal, LPC

Tiffany Espinal, LPC

Credentials: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Rider University. B.A. in Psychology from West Chester University

Specialties: Anxiety, OCD, Depression, ADHD, and Trauma

Approaches: CBT, DBT, Sand Tray Therapy, Mindfulness, Strengths-Based

Clinical Focus: Children, Adolescents, Young Adults, Adults, Couples

We all have our own story to tell and experiences that are unique to us. Therapy creates a safe space to share those experiences and make positive steps towards growth. I see therapy as a collaborative journey between the client and counselor. My approach will utilize various evidence-based practices that will be specific to your needs. I will work hard to learn about you and your journey as well as take steps to discover and learn how to help you along the way. My goal is to provide a caring and supportive environment that allows for growth and development of new skills to help you effectively manage different relationships and situations.


Book an appointment

400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(856) 354-0664

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