How to Access Therapy Services if You Don’t Have Insurance or Your Plan is Not Accepted


How to Access Therapy Services if You Don’t Have Insurance or Your Plan is Not Accepted

When searching for therapy services, cost is certainly a factor. Fortunately, insurance plans often cover behavioral health services like counseling and therapy, but in some cases, your plan may not be accepted by a specific counseling facility. Or, perhaps, you don’t have an insurance plan that covers behavioral health. In this case, there are ways to access therapy and keep...[ read more ]

The Doggie Will See You Now: Understanding Therapy Dogs and Animal-Assisted Therapy

As awareness of the need for quality mental health services is growing, some providers are turning to alternative methods beyond traditional talk therapy. While sitting down with a professional and processing emotions can certainly be helpful, some patients may want something a little different. For example, some patients may prefer hands-on mental health care, such as that provided via art...[ read more ]

Medical Necessity and Mental Health: Understanding New Trends in Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Services

When you seek treatment for a mental health condition like depression, anxiety, or trauma, and you choose to pay with insurance, it works just like any other health condition. A claim is submitted to your insurance company, and they determine what portion of your bill they will cover and what portion you must pay out-of-pocket. While most insurance companies cover...[ read more ]

Are Stay-At-Home-Parents More Prone to Depression?

Stay-at-home parents play an important role in their families. They perform the majority of tasks related to childcare and maintaining a household, in order to allow their spouse or significant other to maintain full-time employment. With the increasing childcare costs, some families may find that having one parent stay at home is even more economical than adding a second income. ...[ read more ]

How to Find a Therapist Who’s Right for You

Making the decision to attend therapy is a big step. It indicates that you recognize the need to seek professional treatment, which shows courage and is a sign of strength. While working with a therapist can certainly come with benefits, it’s also important to choose one who is the right fit for you. There are several considerations associated with finding...[ read more ]

Why Some People Prefer Telemental Health to In-Person Treatmen

The popularity of telehealth and teletherapy services increased during the pandemic, mostly out of necessity. As stay-at-home orders closed nonessential businesses, many healthcare providers, including therapists and counselors, moved their appointments online to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and comply with government mandates. As the threat of the pandemic fades away, and life returns to normal, some people...[ read more ]

How Accelerated Resolution Therapy Helps With Trauma Responses

Experiencing a traumatic event can have a significantly negative effect on mental health, especially if a person perceives the event to be central to their life. A recent study found that when people experienced traumatic events as being more central to their lives, they were more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and their psychological well-being was...[ read more ]

Marijuana and Brain Development: What You Should Know 

Marijuana is the most commonly misused drug in the United States, with 17.9% of Americans aged 12 and up indicating that they had used it within the past year, as of 2020. Among adolescents aged 12-17, 10.1% used marijuana in 2020. The public tends to have pretty accepting attitudes toward marijuana use, as just 27.4% of people perceive that smoking...[ read more ]

The World Is Opening Up, Why Are Some Kids Still Staying Home?

In many sectors of the world, life is returning to normal following the stay-at-home orders and other restrictions that were in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the Department of Health and Human Services extended the COVID public health emergency for an additional three months in April 2022, this extension ends mid-July. There is talk of another extension, but many...[ read more ]

What Parents Need to Know to Support Their LGBTQ+ Teen

What Parents Need to Know to Support Their LGBTQ+ Teen Identifying as a member of the LGBTQ+ population can be challenging for teens. Adolescence in and out itself can be a difficult developmental period, as children strive to establish their identities and find acceptance among peers and the larger society. Identifying as a member of a sexual minority group can...[ read more ]