Discussing the loss you’ve experienced due to COVID in a group setting can help.

Discussing the loss you’ve experienced due to COVID in a group setting can help.

When you are affected by loss you can feel a huge range of emotions. Everyone grieves in different ways, and you might find yourself feeling sad, angry, numb, or something else entirely. Many people feel as if they can’t see a way through the loss, but there are things that can help. Grief and loss groups offer one method for those affected to process their loss.

A grief and loss group offers you the opportunity to share and address how your loss has affected you in a group setting. With groups designed specifically for people who have experienced loss during COVID, you are able to spend time with others who have had a similar experience to you. You can choose to listen to others and share your own thoughts and feelings at your own pace. Even just listening to those who have experienced something similar to you, and may even be further along in their journey, can be healing.

Some of the ways you can benefit from attending a grief and loss group include:

  • Sharing your experience with others
  • Gaining a better understanding of your own feelings
  • Relating your own story and feelings to others
  • Get support from the group leader and other attendees

Grief and loss support groups can be useful on their own, but many people also choose to attend while receiving individual therapy sessions at the same time. Bridge to Balance offers both group support and individual therapy to help you after your loss.

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