Get to Know Bridge to Balance

Get to Know Bridge to Balance

Bridge to Balance is a provider of therapy services, with a focus on helping children and teens, as well as their parents and families. Founded by Kim Finnie, CSSW, LCSW and co-owned with Julie Ferdas, LCSW, Bridge to Balance has a dedicated team of therapists who all have years of experience in delivering therapy to individuals and families. In addition to therapy for individuals and families, we also offer the opportunity to participate in therapy groups, including DBT groups, Mindfulness groups, and Sand Play groups for youth.

We believe in the importance of supporting children and teens with their mental health, as well as offering support to their parents and families. Recognizing how important it is to pay attention to the mental health of our children is imperative to understanding how to help them thrive. 2020 was a challenging year for children and teens, as well as adults, and there are more challenges to come. The right support during these times is essential, both for those who may have diagnosed mental health conditions and for anyone who is struggling with external factors that have affected their mental health.

Bridge to Balance offers telemental health or virtual health sessions for those who are unable to make it to an in-person appointment. This may be particularly helpful to many during this time, when social distancing and staying at home is preferred, but mental health support is more important than ever. Telehealth allows us to provide our services through videoconferencing, enabling people in all circumstances to access the help that they need. With our telehealth solution, you can schedule an appointment online and have it take place digitally so there is no need to travel or meet anyone in person.

We have teams in Central New Jersey and South New Jersey, with telemental health available for those who are located in North Jersey. Our team of experienced therapists all have at least 5 years of experience in their professional field, and in some cases have been delivering therapy services for more than two decades. We recognize that it can be tough to take the first step to seek support, but taking that step opens up new opportunities. We can help you to get started on your journey.

Whether you are a parent looking for support for your child or yourself, or perhaps a teen or college student looking for the right resources, Bridge to Balance is here to help you. Our caring and experienced team specialize in a variety of areas, from depression and anxiety to stress, trauma, self-esteem, relationship issues, and more. They cover a range of ages, from children and teens to young adults and older adults. Whatever your needs, Bridge to Balance can provide the support to help you care for your mental health.

Contact us at Bridge to Balance to ask about our services or schedule your first appointment. You can get in touch by phone or email, or request an appointment using our contact form.

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400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(856) 354-0664

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