How Group Therapy Can Help People Deal More Effectively with Grief and Loss due to Covid

How Group Therapy Can Help People Deal More Effectively with Grief and Loss due to Covid

Group therapy is beneficial for many people, either on its own or in combination with individual therapy sessions. For people who are dealing with grief and loss, group therapy can provide a supportive environment where they are able to open up about their experience with other people who can truly understand. Although no one's experience with grief and loss is exactly the same, people often find comfort in sharing their similar experiences openly and find that it often helps them to deal with their loss more effectively.

Unlike individual therapy, group therapy offers an opportunity to listen to other people talk about how they are feeling and how they experience grief, as well as providing the space to tell your own story. Rather than only speaking to a therapist, you can discuss your situation with peers who are also experiencing something similar. When listening to other people talk about their grief you:

  • Might recognize some of your own feelings and experiences.
  • May find that what you are thinking and feeling is very typical.
  • Might discover a group that can truly empathize with you.
  • May create a more social experience that allows you to feel less alone.

Group therapy can also give you the opportunity to challenge yourself. Together, the therapist and other attendees might be helpful to you by providing reflection and insight on what you are thinking and feeling. They may also help you to reframe your experience and look at things in a healthier way.

Bridge to Balance can help you cope with your loss by giving you the tools and shared experience with others who are grieving through group therapy. Learn more about our COVID Grief and Loss group by clicking here.

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