How music therapy can help children better express themselves

How music therapy can help children better express themselves

Creative therapies offer a range of techniques for children to express themselves in healthy and self directed ways. Music therapy is a very popular form of Creative Therapy for children, providing them with an alternative way to communicate their feelings that may be otherwise challenging to express verbally.

Music therapy can help children learn to listen better, improving their social interactions. It can also tap into their imagination, which promotes creativity and fosters resolution of internal conflict. Fun musical activities offer a way for children to talk about different feelings and emotions by connecting them with music and other group participants. They can learn to hear what different emotions might sound like and how music can express or evoke certain feelings.

Music therapy might include:

  • Playing different instruments
  • Singing songs
  • Listening to music of different genres and types
  • Improvising music to express different emotions
  • Musical play and social interaction

When children are dealing with anxiety, grief, depression, and other emotional and social issues, Music Therapy can help. It's a subtle way to engage them in the therapeutic process, especially for children who might have trouble communicating verbally, focusing, or sitting still. Music can provide a distraction, allowing children to explore their emotions and gain awareness, practice mindfulness, and express themselves creatively, leading to positive and desired outcomes.
Bridge to Balance provides Music Therapy for children to help them engage with their emotions and express themselves in healthy and creative ways. Get in touch to find out more about how our music therapy services can help your patients.

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400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
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(856) 354-0664

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