Why group therapy might be the best option in a post pandemic world
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health across the country. Many people have felt isolated, lonely, frightened, and anxious due to the upheaval caused by the pandemic. In December 2020, more than 42% of people surveyed by the US Census Bureau reported symptoms of anxiety or depression, which was an increase of 11% compared to the previous year. The pandemic has both exacerbated existing mental health problems for some and created new issues for others.
As vaccination programs are rolled out, people are starting to feel hopeful about returning to previous activities and relaxing restrictions. As a result, more people have gone back to doing in person therapy which can provide some additional benefits as opposed to virtual telehealth sessions. These changes have also supported the ability for group therapy to resume. Group therapy can offer a number of excellent benefits in a post-pandemic world. These include:
- Sharing your struggles with others who may better understand your experience.
- Social interaction.
- Easier access to mental health resources.
- A budget-friendly way to receive therapy.
Realize You're Not Alone with Group Therapy
During the pandemic, many people have felt as if they are alone in the things that they have been feeling. It might have seemed as if everyone else was simply getting on with it and coping with the changes, while you may have been feeling scared and finding it difficult to cope. One of the benefits of group therapy is having the chance to share common struggles with others. It gives you the opportunity to realize that you're not alone in your thoughts and feelings and that there are people who can truly understand your experience.
Access the Mental Health Support That You Need
Mental health resources have been even more difficult for many to access over the last year or more due to the growing need for support. There has been a greater demand for mental health services but decreasing staff numbers in many places. Many mental health services have moved online, thanks to changes in regulations that made this easier, but others have been unable to continue. Group therapy is a great option that allows for more people to receive services and also offers a more affordable option. Group therapy sessions tend to be less costly than individual sessions, making it easier to pay for.
Group Therapy Helps You Deal with Change
A study by Cambridge University showed that group therapy can be particularly helpful for social anxiety and for dealing with periods of transition and change in your life. The pandemic has caused a huge amount of change in people's lives, and now we face the prospect of returning to "normal". Both of these changes are difficult to cope with in different ways. Group therapy gives you an outlet to discuss your concerns and go through the journey of change with other people.
Bridge to Balance offers group therapy sessions that can help you to address your mental health concerns in a safe environment.