

How to Find a Therapist Who’s Right for You

Making the decision to attend therapy is a big step. It indicates that you recognize the need to seek professional treatment, which shows courage and is a sign of strength. While working with a therapist can certainly come with benefits, it’s also important to choose one who is the right fit for you. There are several considerations associated with finding...[ read more ]

Why Some People Prefer Telemental Health to In-Person Treatmen

The popularity of telehealth and teletherapy services increased during the pandemic, mostly out of necessity. As stay-at-home orders closed nonessential businesses, many healthcare providers, including therapists and counselors, moved their appointments online to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and comply with government mandates. As the threat of the pandemic fades away, and life returns to normal, some people...[ read more ]

How Accelerated Resolution Therapy Helps With Trauma Responses

Experiencing a traumatic event can have a significantly negative effect on mental health, especially if a person perceives the event to be central to their life. A recent study found that when people experienced traumatic events as being more central to their lives, they were more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and their psychological well-being was...[ read more ]

Marijuana and Brain Development: What You Should Know 

Marijuana is the most commonly misused drug in the United States, with 17.9% of Americans aged 12 and up indicating that they had used it within the past year, as of 2020. Among adolescents aged 12-17, 10.1% used marijuana in 2020. The public tends to have pretty accepting attitudes toward marijuana use, as just 27.4% of people perceive that smoking...[ read more ]

The World Is Opening Up, Why Are Some Kids Still Staying Home?

In many sectors of the world, life is returning to normal following the stay-at-home orders and other restrictions that were in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the Department of Health and Human Services extended the COVID public health emergency for an additional three months in April 2022, this extension ends mid-July. There is talk of another extension, but many...[ read more ]

What Parents Need to Know to Support Their LGBTQ+ Teen

What Parents Need to Know to Support Their LGBTQ+ Teen Identifying as a member of the LGBTQ+ population can be challenging for teens. Adolescence in and out itself can be a difficult developmental period, as children strive to establish their identities and find acceptance among peers and the larger society. Identifying as a member of a sexual minority group can...[ read more ]

What Every Child Experiencing Divorce in Their Family Wants Their Parents to Know

Divorce is complicated, and if there are children involved, the process becomes even more challenging. Children must cope with their entire lives changing, as their family is split, and they have to adjust to changed routines and living in two different homes. In addition, if there is still conflict between parents after the divorce, children are often caught in the...[ read more ]

Why We Can Empathize With Some, But Not Everyone

Empathy, which is the ability to understand what other people are feeling, is essential for developing healthy social skills and meaningful relationships. Research shows that empathy inspires us to help other people, and being empathetic toward our significant others leads to more satisfying relationships. Based upon the significance of empathy, people have begun to focus on how we can develop...[ read more ]

How to Set Boundaries with a Combative Co-Parent

Divorce or separation may mean the end of your partnership with your former spouse or significant other, but if you have children in common, your co-parenting relationship will continue. In the best cases, two people who decide to end their intimate relationship can continue to cooperate for the children’s sake. However, if there are lingering romantic feelings, or the relationship...[ read more ]

Is Empathy Developed Naturally?

Empathy is an important part of life, and it’s a trait that must be developed so we can have satisfying relationships with others. Not only does empathy allow us to understand other people; it also motivates us to take action to help others, according to research. Despite the importance of empathy, not everyone has a strong innate ability to empathize...[ read more ]

400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(856) 354-0664

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