

What Every Child Experiencing Divorce in Their Family Wants Their Parents to Know

Divorce is complicated, and if there are children involved, the process becomes even more challenging. Children must cope with their entire lives changing, as their family is split, and they have to adjust to changed routines and living in two different homes. In addition, if there is still conflict between parents after the divorce, children are often caught in the...[ read more ]

Why We Can Empathize With Some, But Not Everyone

Empathy, which is the ability to understand what other people are feeling, is essential for developing healthy social skills and meaningful relationships. Research shows that empathy inspires us to help other people, and being empathetic toward our significant others leads to more satisfying relationships. Based upon the significance of empathy, people have begun to focus on how we can develop...[ read more ]

How to Set Boundaries with a Combative Co-Parent

Divorce or separation may mean the end of your partnership with your former spouse or significant other, but if you have children in common, your co-parenting relationship will continue. In the best cases, two people who decide to end their intimate relationship can continue to cooperate for the children’s sake. However, if there are lingering romantic feelings, or the relationship...[ read more ]

Is Empathy Developed Naturally?

Empathy is an important part of life, and it’s a trait that must be developed so we can have satisfying relationships with others. Not only does empathy allow us to understand other people; it also motivates us to take action to help others, according to research. Despite the importance of empathy, not everyone has a strong innate ability to empathize...[ read more ]

How To Have a Healthy Co-Parenting Relationship

Divorce is challenging, especially if you have children. Despite the negative emotions and resentment, you may have toward your former spouse, you have to find a way to parent together. This means learning to have a healthy co-parenting relationship for the benefit of the children. The reality is that your children need both of their parents in their lives, and...[ read more ]

Reasons You May Benefit from Art Therapy

When you seek treatment for a mental health condition like depression or anxiety, there are several options available. Most people probably picture traditional talk therapy, in which they sit in an office and discuss their concerns with a counselor when they think about mental health treatment. While this may be the most common form of therapy, art therapy is an...[ read more ]

How Connecting With Nature Benefits Our Mental Health

When the weather starts to grow warmer during the spring months, it’s common for people to head outside in droves. Neighborhood sidewalks that were once empty are filled with families out for walks and children whizzing by on bicycles. People flock to local parks and hiking trails, and suddenly the cabin fever that can come along with winter is lifted....[ read more ]

How Does Music Therapy Affect the Brain?

When a person seeks therapy, there are multiple options available. What probably comes to mind first when thinking of therapy is traditional “talk therapy,” in which a therapist sits in the office with a client and helps the client to process their emotions and overcome psychological issues, ranging from relationship problems to mental health conditions like depression. While this may...[ read more ]

Why DBT is an Effective Therapy for Teaching Teens and Parents to Manage Emotions, Behaviors, and Relationships

The teenage years can be a challenging time for parents and their children, as teens begin to pull away from their parents and explore their own interests and identities. Unfortunately, mental health problems can also arise during the teenage years. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of teenagers with poor mental health...[ read more ]

How is Mindfulness Used in Therapy?

How is Mindfulness Used in Therapy?   When therapists treat clients, there are several modalities they may utilize to help clients make progress and meet their treatment goals. One therapeutic modality that may be beneficial is the use of mindfulness. Here, learn how mindfulness is used in therapy, and what the research says about the benefits of mindfulness interventions.   ...[ read more ]

400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(856) 354-0664

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