

How expressing gratitude can decrease anxiety and increase mental wellness

How expressing gratitude can decrease anxiety and increase mental wellness Taking care of your mental health is something that you can put into practice every day. With the right mindset and actions, you can nurture your mental wellness and help to keep feelings like anxiety in check. One of the things that can help you to reduce anxiety and increase...[ read more ]

How keeping up with holiday traditions can help melt away the stress

How keeping up with holiday traditions can help melt away the stress The holidays offer a great opportunity to get together with family and friends, but they can also be a time of stress. There are often lots of things to do to prepare for holidays, from planning meals to putting up decorations, and you might be dealing with stressful...[ read more ]

How to deal with normal school anxiety amidst Covid

How to deal with normal school anxiety amidst Covid Feeling anxious at school is not a new feeling for many students. Over 4 million children aged 3-17 in the US have diagnosed anxiety and 31.9% of teens aged 13-18 have an anxiety disorder. While school closures have led to feelings of depression and anxiety for many students during the COVID-19...[ read more ]

How to Balance Heading Back to School With Ever Changing COVID-19 Guidance

How to Balance Heading Back to School With Ever Changing COVID-19 Guidance Typically, heading back to school can be both exciting and anxiety provoking for many children and teens. This year, as a number of children are returning to in-person school for the first time in over a year and a half, we may see an increase in the intensity...[ read more ]

Preparing to Go Back to School Post Remote Learning

Transitioning to learning at home has been difficult for children, teens, and young adults around the country. However, as teachers and students prepare to return to the classroom, they must now transition again. After spending so much time at home and interacting via video calls, chat rooms, and other digital tools, the idea of going back to a busy and...[ read more ]

Why group therapy might be the best option in a post pandemic world

Why group therapy might be the best option in a post pandemic world The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on mental health across the country. Many people have felt isolated, lonely, frightened, and anxious due to the upheaval caused by the pandemic. In December 2020, more than 42% of people surveyed by the US Census Bureau reported symptoms...[ read more ]

Social Media and the Impact on Teens’ Lives

Social Media and the Impact on Teens’ Lives Social media is a considerable part of the teens’ lives today. As a parent, you may have been using social media for a long time, but you probably didn't grow up with it in the same way that your children have. Not only that, you most likely have a different relationship with...[ read more ]

How parents can better interact with their teens using DBT

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a useful therapeutic treatment for teens, but did you know it can also help parents to improve their interactions with their teens? Parents can benefit from learning DBT skills at the same time as their teens or on their own. Using DBT can help to improve communication which fosters better relationships. Some parents may find...[ read more ]

How DBT is helping teens effectively manage their emotions

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a skill-based therapy that teaches patients how to manage their thoughts and emotions and build healthy relationships. Learning how to use DBT techniques includes skills such as mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. These are useful skills for teens to have, whether they have a diagnosed mental health condition or they simply need...[ read more ]

How mindfulness is helping teens with depression

How mindfulness is helping teens with depression Mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that encourages people to focus on the present moment and increase awareness while letting go of judgments. People of all ages can benefit from using mindfulness to reduce stress and improve their mood, especially teens who tend to have higher levels of distress as they navigate through the...[ read more ]

400 Laurel Oak Rd., Suite 100
Voorhees, NJ 08043

3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 108
Hamilton, NJ 08619
(856) 354-0664

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